Dear Small Business Owners - #3 Lead Conversions

So you’ve optimised your website for search engines, you’ve automated your responses, and you’re highly visible on all social media.  You’ve automated your leads capture process, and the data, leads, enquiries and customer phone calls are rolling in. Awesome!

So… what’s next?

Well – that’s kind of up to you. But there’s a few main things to think about.  This is a series of 5 short info sessions to help you through.

3 of 5 - Lead Conversion

So once your filtered leads pick up the phone, or send an online enquiry, or talk to your chat-bot - what then?  What method do you follow to convert your leads, into paying customers? Do you call them, send a quote, and hope for the best?

Where does the info go?  Is there someone in your business responsible for their management?

Do you call them back within a given time-frame?  Are they sorted into categories by priority? Do you automate a quote?  Do you book appointments?  Does their info go into a newsletter system, or a lead nurturing process, so you can cross-sell your entire range of products and services to them?

Most industries think about this in terms of a funnel, and over time each section can be mapped to show average numbers per month/ week. 

  • The top, or the widest part of the funnel, are your prospects.  You don’t know much about them, and you haven’t had much (if any) contact.  There’s normally a large number of prospects

  • Further down, your funnel narrows, and you will have lost some of the people along the way.  These are your leads.  The people who have checked your website, spoken to their friends, and are now ready to call you.

  • Next you have your qualified leads.  They’ve called or spoken to you, and gone through the basic lead qualification process.  You’ve confirmed your services match their needs, and you agree to visit/ quote/ send info.

  • You will have lost some people again, so the funnel narrows – but this is generally where your opportunity process begins, and you need to convert your lead into a paying customer.  The complexity will depend on your business requirements, but it might be a short process or a long one. At the conclusion, you will win or lose.

  • When you win the job, these people convert into a client. This is normally the “bottom” of the funnel.  But it’s not the end of the process!  Consider if you can recycle this customer into repeat or followup work. Annual services or checkups, can you cross sell another of your products, and don’t forget customer satisfaction!

Overwhelmed Much?

Yes – this process can be complicated, annoying, overwhelming, time-consuming, and generally a pain in the neck.  There is no silver bullet, no magical cure, and definitely no fast forward.  It will take time, patience, consistency, and resilience.  The great news is that you don’t have to do this alone. 

#BelladonnaMarketingConsulting  #MarketingSidekick  #leadconversion #leadnurturing #crosssell


Dear Small Business Owners - #4 Losing is Not the End


Dear Small Business Owners - #2 Customer Journey