Dear Small Business Owners - #2 Customer Journey

So you’ve optimised your website for search engines, you’ve automated your responses, and you’re highly visible on all social media.  You’ve automated your leads capture process, and the data, leads, enquiries and customer phone calls are rolling in. Awesome!

So… what’s next?

Well – that’s kind of up to you. But there’s a few main things to think about.  This is a series of 5 short info sessions to help you through.

2 of 5 - Customer Journey

Big words.  Much confusion!!!!  But there’s no need for panic.  Let’s consider what happens with one of your prospective customers. Sometimes it helps to write down a list, or flow chart.  Think about all the times a customer has contact, or “touches” you or your business, right from the very beginning, up to their purchase, and even beyond.

So the beginning, starts even before you know who the customer is.  They might see your vehicle driving past, or a sign on your office, or their neighbour might pass them your business card. They might see your ad on facebook, perhaps you sponsor a local footy team, or their sister’s cousin’s boss’s dog-walker has heard of you.  So the customer thinks you might be what they’re looking for, and they start researching you.  They ask people if they’ve used your services, they might get their hands on a brochure, they might check you out on social media, maybe they’ll google you. Eventually they might hit your website. Research statistics estimate that a customer will be around 70% through their purchase process before they even contact you.  So it’s important that all of these things maintain a clear, consistent, and positive image.  You need to clearly state who you are, and what you do – in this way you can filter out enquiries that do not match your target market.

Overwhelmed Much?

Yes – this process can be complicated, annoying, overwhelming, time-consuming, and generally a pain in the neck.  There is no silver bullet, no magical cure, and definitely no fast forward.  It will take time, patience, consistency, and resilience.  The great news is that you don’t have to do this alone. 

#BelladonnaMarketingConsulting  #MarketingSidekick  #customerjourney #marketingfunnel #purchaseprocess #targetmarket


Dear Small Business Owners - #3 Lead Conversions


Dear Small Business Owners - #1 Data