How Belladonna Marketing Can Help You

Think of me like a Self-Contained, Freelance, Marketing Manager for your business. With my business and marketing experience, I’m ready to use my skills to benefit those smaller operations who can’t support a full time employee, but could still use my knowledge.

Graduating University in February of 2000, I’ve been working as a Marketing Professional ever since.  Initially in a B2B services marketing environment for companies such as KPMG and AMP.  More recently, I’ve worked in smaller businesses focusing on B2C areas.

Bringing Marketing Order from Chaos is my main strength, and given a little knowledge and time I can bring the puzzle pieces together into a cohesive strategy that makes business sense.

I am a fiercely passionate advocate for Marketing, but have the qualifications, experience and ability to look across a business, view the broader picture, and understand how my marketing fits within the business requirements.

For a limited time only, I’m offering Marketing Checkups for just $450 (+ GST).

So you can focus on your business, and let me (the experienced marketing professional) assess your business marketing, then highlight anything that needs your attention. No mess, no fuss, just actionable advice.

This can include:

  • website, structure, user experience

  • socials (content and statistics)

  • client communications and/ or newsletters

  • CRM, email software (incl automation and funnels)

  • Google Ads

  • review or redevelop marketing strategy and/ or marketing plan

Then we’ll finish with a zoom chat about my findings (recorded for your future replay), and a one pager list of advice for you to review.

The only thing you need to do is send me a message.

So what are you waiting for?

Marketing Checkup

Freelance Marketing Manager

Marketing is not a one trick pony.  There's no silver bullets, no “marketing hacks”, no easy answers, and one-size definitely doesn't fit everyone. Successful marketing is integrated throughout your business and runs continuously. It takes hard work, and consistency - but I'm here to help!

I used to work for a woman who kept insisting that “Marketing isn’t rocket science” and that’s true, but it definitely takes a creative mind, a certain way of thinking, and the tenacity of a bulldog. So if you’re not “a marketing professional” then chances are, your strengths will lie in other areas. I can take care of running your Marketing efforts, and leave you free to focus on your strengths.

Contact me if you'd like to chat about your marketing challenges.

Marketing Coaching

Most small business people I’ve met prefer to know exactly what’s happening across their business. That’s fine! It’s your business, and you stand to win (or lose) the most. So I can help you set up and run your own Marketing, and educate you through the process. Whether you need a new website, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software, electronic mailing software, or just want to chat about your strategies and tactics - you can contact me for a chat about your needs.

Marketing Sanity Checks

Let’s be honest. If you’ve been in business for a while, unless you’ve been vigilant, you’ve probably collected dozens of different brochures, letters, signs, banners, emails, online images, facebook posts, ads, websites - all of them probably have different incarnations of your logo, they all have different content with different aims, and it’s probably confusing you as well as your customers. This is where you might benefit from a Sanity Check. Where a seasoned professional looks across everything, critically evaluates your goals against your achievements, and helps straighten your thoughts (and your marketing) out. At the end, I will provide you a list of recommendations, which you can choose to accept.

Marketing Plans

A goal without a plan is a failure waiting to happen. Let’s face it, you’re busy. So wouldn’t it be nice to have a chat with a seasoned professional (that’s me!) about all your hopes and dreams, and then figure out how you’re actually going to get there? All mapped out on paper (or your computer screen) with a calendar of tasks and activities telling you what to do?

Target Marketing - So many people try to please all people, all of the time, and end up falling short. But this is where target marketing comes in. Carefully choose your market segment, then develop your product, or service offering to fit that market. Yep - it's far more detailed than this paragraph will explain. But the good news is that I can work with you to clarify your marketing objectives, and then customise your offering.

Bringing Marketing Order from Chaos is my main strength, and given a little knowledge and time I can bring the puzzle pieces together into a cohesive strategy that makes business sense.

Marketing Tactics

I have formal Business & Marketing Qualifications, backed up with extensive real-world experience. This includes taking high-level strategies, and adapting them for implementation at a local level, on an individual basis.

I am highly experienced, across all areas of campaign development and implementation, and I have an uncanny ability to develop marketing infrastructure from scratch .

Most of my roles have been “solo” so I am now formidable at working autonomously, organising myself and others, executing projects end to end, and then finishing the job myself when required. Basically - I know how to work with you to get stuff done.

Marketing Operations

Perhaps the most expansive area, Marketing Operations refers to the daily activities of the marketing function. I’ve developed an exceptional ability to find and implement creative solutions to challenges.

Google - AdWords, Analytics, Search Console. They can all get quite complicated (if you let them). Or you can start small, and build it up. I can help you get started.

Events and Tradeshows - I have extensive experience managing company involvement at large trade shows, as well as managing medium size networking events. 

Community Sponsorship - I am adept at assessing sponsorship opportunities, then managing relationships with third parties to maximise value for all groups concerned.  This has included negotiating, coordinating and implementing sponsorship opportunities, to support strategic business initiatives, while constantly monitoring relevance for the business.

Digital and Online - SEO, PPC, AdWords, Content Marketing - Yes, you can spend A LOT of money on this. But you might not need to. I can help you understand the basics, and help you get a cohesive SEO and Content Marketing strategy working. From there, you can decide whether you want to call in the Big Guns.

Customer Data and CRM - The world of Marketing is rarely black and white, where activities can be classified as "Success" or "Failure". But it's important that you learn from everything you do, and strive to do better next time. It doesn't matter how small, or poor quality your CRM data is - as long as you consistently add info, correct details, and improve it EVERY TIME you receive returned mail or customer feedback. You can always learn something! And I can help you understand how to do this.

Customer Experience - Understanding your own customer experience is a first step to improving it. Your customer's experience begins the moment they have first contact - and that might be one of your company vehicles on the road, or your receptionist, or one of your past clients talking about their own experiences.

Community Sponsorship - Becoming actively involved in your local community can be fantastic for your business - but be warned, it's definitely NOT a matter of stamping your logo on the local Under 8's footy jersey. Sponsorship requires investigation, proper selection of the right sponsorship opportunity, and then ongoing commitment to that relationship. The most successful sponsorships I've worked with needed active participation at events, as well as regular interaction with community members.
It's not difficult, but it does take dedication - and I can help you understand how to better manage and promote your own sponsorship commitments.

Websites - It takes a special set of skills to "do a website properly" and the consequences of failure are unthinkable. Many business owners have neither the time, nor the skills to recognise the good, the bad, or the ugly.  I can help you understand whether your website is pulling its weight, or whether it can be working better.

CRM and Databases - How often do you hear "But the CRM doesn't work!" ?? Well - maybe it DOES work, but it's just not being used CORRECTLY... I can help you better understand what’s going on.

EDM or electronic direct mail - you need to prepare properly before you run any email marketing. Otherwise all your efforts are wasted. Need help?

Marketing Content

47% of people consume 3-5 pieces of content before taking the first step towards making a purchase. (source – HubSpot Demand Gen report)  They’re engaging with your content before they even contact you (scary right?).  Which is why things like your website, social media and your brochures are important. I can help you understand how this works, and help you get better at these things. 

I hate the word "blogging" I much prefer "writing and publishing useful content". If your content is interesting and engaging, then your audience will find it valuable. Your SEO scores will increase, and your google rankings will benefit. But I can help you through all of this, and I can even write content with you.

Sadly, our customers will unsubscribe if they don't like our content. So if you're struggling to write interesting and engaging content - message me for a chat. I'm a degree qualified professional with years of experience writing, plus I'm full of cute ideas!