Dear Small Business Owners - #5 Your People

So you’ve optimised your website for search engines, you’ve automated your responses, and you’re highly visible on all social media.  You’ve automated your leads capture process, and the data, leads, enquiries and customer phone calls are rolling in. Awesome!

So… what’s next?

Well – that’s kind of up to you. But there’s a few main things to think about.  This is a series of 5 short info sessions to help you through.

5 of 5 - Your People

Here’s a difficult one.  Small business is often owned/ run by family. You might have mum answering your phone, or Aunty Joan doing your books, and your nephew labouring for you. Regardless - It’s imperative to critically examine all of your team members – family or not.  From my experience, I have seen team members behaving unprofessionally and alienating customers, thus wasting every dollar you have spent gaining that lead.  It’s also important to ensure things like company values, and brand promise is transported throughout your team.  It’s not enough for you, the business leader to promise excellent customer service, if your team aren’t living up to, and delivering on those expectations.

On the other hand – maybe you are the only person in your business.  So if you’re spending 9 hours each day up on a roof, or with your hands full of concrete, or elbow deep in pedicure bowls – then you physically can’t manage incoming phonecalls, or emails let alone a website.  Now is the time to consider cost vs benefit, and the value of you time.  There’s a range of different measures you can implement to automate things like incoming phonecalls, emails, and various admin tasks around your business, which will free you to focus on things that are important. Your customers.

Overwhelmed Much?

Yes – this process can be complicated, annoying, overwhelming, time-consuming, and generally a pain in the neck.  There is no silver bullet, no magical cure, and definitely no fast forward.  It will take time, patience, consistency, and resilience.  The great news is that you don’t have to do this alone. 

#BelladonnaMarketingConsulting  #MarketingSidekick  #peopleproblems #teamfeedback


Digital Marketing - the final frontier?


Dear Small Business Owners - #4 Losing is Not the End